5 Tips To Consolidate Your Debt
With the New Year just beginning, now is a good time to take a look at your credit card debt and do something about it. You do not have to make a resolution, but these tips for consolidating your debt can make things a little easier as you begin 2015.
- Check your credit: Reviewing your credit reports is a great way to spot any errors and correct them so that you can qualify for the debt consolidation help that you need. Understanding what is inside your credit report is the first step to figuring out your next move.
- Low interest credit card: If you have good credit, consider consolidating to a low-interest credit card. Transfer the balances from your high-interest credit cards to a single card and save money as you pay down your debt. Good credit can open up a couple of different balance-transfer options for you.
- Get a loan: Consolidating your debt might be possible with a cash out refinance mortgage loan through Ranch & Coast Mortgage Group Inc.
- Debt consolidation loans: Many online lenders offer debt consolidation loans. Before you agree to anything, check out any complaints and registration requirements the lender has. Just remember to be wary of lenders that promise loans regardless of credit scores and to steer clear of lenders that charge you large upfront fees. Contact Ranch & Coast Mortgage Group Inc. for help with your loan.
- Debt management plans: Credit counseling agencies often offer debt management plans where you make a monthly payment to a credit counseling agency and the agency pays each of your credit card lenders. Your lender may lower the interest on your credit card balance if you sign up for a debt management plan.
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